1.She insists that she was trying to change society's values.
2.Social Impact of the Invention: Tell or show how the technology of the new invention change society at the time it was invented.
3.As suggested by the story, community lawyering involves deliberate efforts to use law to change society or to alter allocations of power.
4.Ideas for invitations that change society or, at least, make life easier for somebody?
5.It is in sharing ideas and understandings with others with similar views that grassroots efforts begin to attempt to change society.
6.despite the desire to change society, but not the ability to put them into action.
7.And to the degree we're going to do that, to the degree we're able to do that, we'll be able to change society.
8.Yet the left used to aim to change society rather than wait for society to change in its favour.
9.Since you change society, goes to adapt to society , to enjoy society without end so right away.
10.Therefore people determination own action to change society, change society human survival first responsibility.